FOR CONSUMERS, all of this back and forth is time-consuming and sometimes costly. You may recommend the 25% Solution to the insurance company.
FOR INSURANCE COMPANIES, these disputes waste countless personnel hours and sometimes result in the expenditure of unnecessary legal fees. You may recommend the 25% Solution to your claimants.
MOST IMPORTANTLY, this fast tracks claims settlements.
The 25% Solution results in fair settlements for auto diminished value claims which benefits both parties. Car owners can get on with their lives and insurers can stop squandering resources.
AUTODIMINISHEDVALUE.COM appraisals are created by performing actual real-world research with numerous new car dealers to support our opinions. All other independent appraisal companies in the US rely on formulas, algorithms, online ad comparisons or book value condition value differences. Our methodology produces valid diminished value numbers. With the other methodologies, insurers don’t really know what they are getting. How can a formula replicate what takes place on the ground when consumers set out to sell or trade their vehicles? Insurers can legitimately question whether those short-cut procedures create inflated diminished value amounts. Not so with our DV appraisals as thousands of successful claim settlements and courtroom decisions illustrate. They are more factual and less subjective.
The 25% Solution is an agreement between the claimant and the insurance company to accept the amount of the AUTODIMINISHEDVALUE.COM diminished value appraisal less twenty-five percent. Therefore, a claim showing that a vehicle lost $5,000.00 in value would automatically settle for $3,750.00. A $10,000.00 DV claim would settle for $7,500.00.
This agreement is based on both economics and trust and it benefits both parties.
AUTODIMINISHEDVALUE.COM begins by establishing the Fair Market Value (FMV) of the vehicle. We do not use the higher Retail Value as that is not the market in which the vehicle owner will experience their loss. Empirical data from our database is used to establish a fair approximation of diminished value from which 25% is deducted.
Rule of thumb – vehicles that have experienced minor to moderate damage will lose 10%-15% of the FMV. When structural damage or airbag deployment exists, losses in value are typically 30% to 40% of the FMV. After deducting twenty-five percent from the DV amount, the claim is quickly settled.
There are a number of false perceptions that should be cleared up.
● The age and mileage of the car does not preclude its being eligible for diminished value compensation.
● Cars do not need to be repaired in order to qualify for diminished value compensation.
● Cars with prior repair histories are eligible for diminished value compensation with certain stipulations.
● Repair quality has no bearing on the inherent diminished value of a vehicle.
Car owners should confirm that the insurer has accepted liability, that it is not a leased car, whether any previous accidents/incidents occurred and whether the vehicle was disabled/towed.
Our fee is $275.00 which is paid by the car owner. Insurance companies do not need to reimburse claimants for this fee.
In order to move forward after a mutual agreement, car owners email the repair estimate and, for newer cars, the MSRP sticker if available and make payment of our fee.
Then click on the payment button above to pay by Credit Card or Paypal.
The fee for an Automobile Diminished Value Report is
You may also make your Credit Card Payment by telephone, call 772-359-4300.
Service throughout Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin and Wyoming